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USA Orders over $85 get FREE shipping*


Minimum Orders

USA: Minimum $20

Colorado: minimum: $100

Outside of USA: Minimum $100

Order directly on the website or:

Call us for orders or questions at:
1-970-241-2827 – Or

Gift Certificates now available!*
Order them any size over $40.00, contact us

Make checks or money orders payable to:

“Griffin Exotic Wood LLC” Call for the mailing address to send your order.  This is because we need to reserve any wood you are buying and get your name and contact information in case we have any questions about the order your are making. 

We are located near Grand Junction, Colorado, USA

We accept Visa , Mastercard, Discover and Paypal.

Sales tax added to orders sold to Colorado addresses. 
Prices subject to change without notice.
Errors, if any, will be corrected when order is processed.

100% Secure Checkout

PayPal / MasterCard / Visa /Discover