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Wood Types

Wood Types
  • Clearance (2)

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  • All
  • Craft Blanks (1)
  • Clearance (1)


  • Amber (1)
  • Brown (1)
  • Reddish Brown (1)


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Craft Blanks

Chechen 1 x 1 x 12 kd

These are defect free nice 1 x 1 x 12's in chechen (metopium brownei). This wood comes from Central or South America and is a nice wood to work and sand. We just have too many of these right now and want to offer them to you at a great price to clear some shelf space.

Original price was: $4.80.Current price is: $2.30.

15 in the stock

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Clearance Scraps --9lbs thin strips, etc.

Ships at the 1 ounce rate or even free if your total order is over $85 and your pick the free shipping option. Only ships to USA addresses. These are various small pieces of the rare woods we cut in our shop. Of all the scraps we actually have about 20% are good enough for these boxes. They are thin strips mostly, some small blocks and little burl sections. They are not for pen blanks unless you want to laminate them together. There aren't large pieces in these boxes but the quality and types are amazing. Minimal defects may be present in some pieces, but most don't have defects. To actually buy these woods and cut them into small pieces would cost easily 5 times as much as they cost here. Sold at a loss, but we really enjoy hearing about some of the projects you do with them. So help us recycle these rare pieces into something special in your shop.


1 in the stock

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