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Striped Ebony

Striped ebony can have lines that swirl somewhat or are nearly straight (as seen above). The lighter lines can be sparse or may cover the whole piece with a black background. Sometimes there is a predominantly black background with a few bold lines swinging through at an angle. It is really a kind of figure seen in black ebony and the variations are endless. The wood works and handles just as black ebony does, being a variation of color within that species. The pieces we sell are selected for having attractive lines.

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Note that when we say “air dried” or “kiln-dried” we mean that the wood has been properly checked with a corrected moisture meter and is known to have less than 12% moisture. 12% moisture is what used to qualify as a kiln-dried piece of wood in the past. Unfortunately, many vendors have started using using up to 18% moisture (which is unstable) to count as kiln-dried and completely wet wood to count as air dried. We don’t make claims of “air dried” or “kiln-dried” unless we know the actual moisture and it is genuinely under 12%.

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