African Blackwood
African Blackwood grows in Africa, and most of our stock comes from Tanzania where it is called Mpingo. It mostly grows as a small bush, making harvest of good pieces very difficult. Sometimes it does grow in a tree form. It is a true rosewood. It is the classic wood of choice for bagpipes, clarinets and other musical instruments. The wood has a natural resistance to saliva (which ebony does not) and the grain is very fine. It is one of the world’s finest turning woods and takes the finest details, making it also one of the best for ornamental turning. The specific gravity is between 1.0 and 1.2, with a dry weight around 78 pounds per cubic foot. African blackwood is not really black, but ranges from dark violet to brownish. If you need a very black wood, please select AA grade ebony. Note that the grading system is not about color but how free of defects the wood is. If you have very specific expectations, be certain to email us for detailed information.

🪵 Good to know
🇺🇸 This wood cannot be shipped outside the USA