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Bolivian Rosewood

This wood has excellent fine grain and very attractive stripes. While is looks like and finishes like a genuine rosewood, it is not in the rosewood family. It is great to work, both as a turning and a furniture wood. The Bolivian government is allowing much less of the wood to leave the country in log form where it can be cut into turning stock. The wood is now becoming harder to get as quality turning blanks. Specific gravity is about .85 but occasionally is .75 to almost 1.0 .

šŸŖµ Good to know

Craft Blanks

Bolivian Rosewood AtoJ

Bolivian Rosewood, dried pieces in 2 x 2 x 12. We planed them to check for defects so they are now mostly 1 15/16 inches square, but some are longer than listed. The smallest any of them are is 1 7/8 inches square after planing them smooth. We dry these for as long as it takes to get them to you ready to work. Most options sold on the market are wet wood, so be aware of the differences.

Piece A

Bolivian Rosewood, dried, size: 2 x 2 x 12 (note: about 1 15/16 square after planing on average)

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Piece F

Bolivian Rosewood, dried, size: 2 x 2 x 12 (note: about 1 15/16 square after planing on average)

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Piece J

Bolivian Rosewood, dried, size: 2 x 2 x 12 (note: about 1 15/16 square after planing on average)

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Bolivian Rosewood 1 x 1 x 12

These are kiln-dried in this size!


8 in the stock

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