Pink Ivory
Pink Ivory wood has long been treasured as a rare wood. At one time, it was said to be rarer than diamonds. The wood grows in various parts of Southern Africa, and takes hundreds of years to reach a size suitable to make a bowl blank. It has a very fine grain and takes as high a polish as you would like to give it. Very hard and heavy, with the ability to take very fine details. Our pink ivory is sold dried (for real, this not bogus “air dried”). We get an average yield of 18% from each log that is free of defects and has good color (good color is less then 25% of the usable wood) to make the pieces we sell, and mostly we get pen blanks. Many whole logs can’t produce a single 1.5 x 1.5 x 6, and larger is truly rare. Truly dry Pink Ivory is so much trouble to produce that it is rare on the market in these defect free pieces we make.