Bowl Blanks

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Bowl Blanks

African Blackwood 12to14

Genuine Rosewood bowl blanks in African Blackwood. These used to be easy to find, but not for a long time. These were dried for over a decade, truly ready to use. The piece #12 has some burl rays you can see in the front, and some other figure scattered around. 13 has figure in that one lighter area. 14 is very dark and appears to be musical instrument grade, uncommon for sure.

Piece 14

African Blackwood, dried, 1 7/8 x 4 x 4 inches, musical instrument grade (IQ)

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Amboyna Burl 337to338

Two bowl blanks in dried Amboyna Burl.   337 doesn't remind me of any pieces I have cut in the past, this area of the slab seems to have a bit of what would normally be called Xylay figure that is found in rare pieces of Afzelia.  338 is a high figure piece with natural edge that will allow a nice bowl just as it is, but will also allow other choices if you cast it with acrylic.  Both are heavily discounted.   Cut from same slab as pieces 300 to 342.

Piece 338

Amboyna Burl , dried, size: 2 x 4 x 4 inches Grade: GG/GG+ with large corner missing

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Amboyna Burl 410to412

High grade Amboyna burl: best red color, high figure and high density. Dried pieces. Hard to find this quality!

Piece 410

Amboyna Burl, best red color, dried, size: 2 1/16 x 4 1/8 x 4 inches

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Piece 411

Amboyna Burl, best red color, dried, size: 1.5 x 2 x 2 inches

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Piece 412

Amboyna Burl, best red color, dried, size: 1 1/16 x 2 x 2 inches

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Black Ebony 400to401

Dried bowl blanks in Black Ebony. Super rare to find dried bowl blanks in this wood because it is a lot of trouble to produce them. At least one of these has been drying for over 19 years, the other for at least a decade. Ebony cracks really badly if not dried super slowly/correctly but it is fairly stable and nice to work once dry like these. Note that we may need to spray a thin clear finish on these to ship them safely to you.

Piece 400

Black Ebony, dried (ready to work), size: 1.75+ x 4.75 x 4 7/8 inches

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Piece 401

Black Ebony, dried (ready to work), size: 1 7/8 x 4.75 x 4 7/8 inches

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Borneo Rosewood 225to226

Rare Borneo Rosewood, maybe the best of all the red woods. Just keeps getting deeper red over time rather than turning brown. These blanks are dried.

Piece 225

Borneo Rosewood, dried, size: 1 7/8 x 3.75 x 3.75 inches

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Piece 226

Borneo Rosewood, dried, size: 1 7/8 x 3.75 x 3.75 inches

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Boxwood Bowl Blank 335

Genuine Boxwood, dried, bowl blank which is top quality, IQ grade. Very slight gray shading on the second face.


1 in the stock

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Buckeye Burl Bowl Blanks 23-27

Buckeye burl from Northern California. These pieces were stabilized with resin. We then added superglue anywhere we could find a gap to make them as perfect as possible.

Piece 23

Buckeye Burl, dried and stabilized, size: 2 x 4 5/8 x 4 5/8 inches

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Piece 24

Buckeye Burl, dried and stabilized, size: 1 15/16 x 3.5 x 4 1/8 inches

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Piece 26

Buckeye Burl, dried and stabilized, size: 1 5/16 x 2 1/8 x 2 1/8 inches

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