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New Woods

Mun Ebony AtoE

Mun Ebony is a very rare type of ebony mostly from Laos. It has various colors of green (from grass green to deep army green) striping with tan to reddish tan other stripes.

Almost never seen for sale anymore, we got these a very long time ago and dried them fully.


SKU N/A Wood Name: Wood Type:
Black Ebony 402to409

High quality pieces in black Ebony. Dried wood. They couldn’t be much more different than the pieces most companies sell: waxed , wet and often have bad areas you cannot see in photos. You can see everything in our photos, pieces are shown without a finish.

To get an idea how much difference our cutting/selection makes with ebony, look at a piece like 403 or 404. That is often the entire yield of a piece that started out as a waxed 1.5 x 1.5 x 12. About 1 in 30 or less (3-4%) of the waxed 1.5 x 1.5 x 12’s will turn into a cleaned up (dried too) piece that is 12″ long and close to 1.5″ square that is nearly black. We honestly cut away all the defects so you have a great piece every time.

See the finish on the tops for idea of final color when finished. Note that we may need to spray your piece with a clear finish before it is shipped to protect it.


SKU N/A Wood Name: Wood Type:
Black Ebony 416to419

Dried Black ebony in small micro boards. Dried and ready to use.


SKU N/A Wood Name: Wood Type:
Black Ebony 410to415

Dried Black Ebony. Shown bare wood for an accurate view. We are one of the only sellers anywhere that will put photos online of ebony without a darkening finish. You can see the finished color by looking at the end which has a finish on it. See notes on photos.

These are generally rare pieces, and pieces like 410 cannot be imported as the last import of black thicker pieces that we can find was in 2008. We cannot replace black pieces over 1.5 inches thick. Pieces may be sprayed with a clear finish to protect them during shipping.


SKU N/A Wood Name: Wood Type:
Black Ebony 400to401

Dried bowl blanks in Black Ebony. Super rare to find dried bowl blanks in this wood because it is a lot of trouble to produce them. At least one of these has been drying for over 19 years, the other for at least a decade. Ebony cracks really badly if not dried super slowly/correctly but it is fairly stable and nice to work once dry like these.

Note that we may need to spray a thin clear finish on these to ship them safely to you.


SKU N/A Wood Name: Wood Type:
Borneo Rosewood 227to233

Borneo Rosewood small boards. Dried. This is a rare wood and not usually seen for sale. These beautiful pieces are defect free, also almost impossible to find in dried lumber sections.


SKU N/A Wood Name: Wood Type:
Borneo Rosewood 225to226

Rare Borneo Rosewood, maybe the best of all the red woods. Just keeps getting deeper red over time rather than turning brown.

These blanks are dried.


SKU N/A Wood Name: Wood Type:
Borneo Rosewood 217to224

Borneo rosewood is a rare wood from Laos. Not normally seen on the market as there is almost no wood exported from Laos anymore. We don’t have much left. These are dried pieces.


SKU N/A Wood Name: Wood Type:
Borneo Rosewood 208to216

Unusual patterns in this rare red wood. The wood is uncommon on the market and often sells for board footage prices far beyond what we charge. Our pieces are dried.


SKU N/A Wood Name: Wood Type:
Borneo Rosewood 200to207

Borneo Rosewood is a deep red wood that tends to hold the red color over time. In fact it sometimes deepens to cranberry red but so far in the last decade I haven’t seen one turn brown, just deeper red. These pieces were carefully dried, and drying takes quite awhile under controlled conditions. The wood is quite dense and is also considered rare.

We label things as “knife blanks” when they are not squares in most cases.

We don’t have much of this wood left, so we hope everyone can enjoy it while it is still here. It comes from Laos mostly, where there are a lot of restrictions on wood exports.


SKU N/A Wood Name: Wood Type:
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